There are times when everything seems to be out of place, and even our faith in God becomes diminished. At such times, we just need to hear a voice, proof that He’s still here.
Here is what God wants to tell you…
I came, I died
I gave my life, I gave my love
I took your place, I paid it all
Reach out, my child… Take my hand
I see you battle
I hate that you lose
I want to help, I desperately do
Reach out, my child… Take my hand
I see you amidst the crowd
I hear you in the noise
I see your tears, I feel your pain
Reach out, my child… Take my hand
I’ve seen you stray
I’ve watched you walk your way
I’m the way, the truth and the light
Reach out, my child… Take my hand
I stand here
I call out, I call you by name
I’m right where you stand
Reach out, my child… Take my hand.